/** * social-share.js * * @author 52cik * @license MIT * * @example *
 * socialShare('.share-components');
 * // or
 * socialShare('.share-bar', {
 *     sites: ['qzone', 'qq', 'weibo','wechat'],
 *     // ...
 * });
*/ ;(function (window, document, undefined) { // Initialize a variables. var Array$indexOf = Array.prototype.indexOf; var Object$assign = Object.assign; var runningInWeChat = /MicroMessenger/i.test(navigator.userAgent); var isMobileScreen = document.documentElement.clientWidth <= 768; var image = (document.images[0] || 0).src || ''; var site = getMetaContentByName('site') || getMetaContentByName('Site') || document.title; var title = getMetaContentByName('title') || getMetaContentByName('Title') || document.title; var description = getMetaContentByName('description') || getMetaContentByName('Description') || ''; var defaults = { url: location.href, origin: location.origin, source: site, title: title, description: description, image: image, imageSelector: undefined, weiboKey: '', wechatQrcodeTitle: '微信扫一扫:分享', wechatQrcodeHelper: '


', wechatQrcodeSize: 100, sites: ['wechat', 'weibo', 'qzone', ], mobileSites: [], disabled: [], initialized: false }; var templates = { qzone: 'http://sns.qzone.qq.com/cgi-bin/qzshare/cgi_qzshare_onekey?url={{URL}}&title={{TITLE}}&desc={{DESCRIPTION}}&summary={{SUMMARY}}&site={{SOURCE}}', qq: 'http://connect.qq.com/widget/shareqq/index.html?url={{URL}}&title={{TITLE}}&source={{SOURCE}}&desc={{DESCRIPTION}}&pics={{IMAGE}}&summary="{{SUMMARY}}"', weibo: 'https://service.weibo.com/share/share.php?url={{URL}}&title={{TITLE}}&pic={{IMAGE}}&appkey={{WEIBOKEY}}', wechat: 'javascript:', douban: 'http://shuo.douban.com/!service/share?href="||VSM}}&obnf=||UJUMF}}&ufyu=||EFTDSJQUJPO}}&jnbhf=||JNBHF}}&tubsje=0&bje=0&tuzmf=11"', linkedin: 'http://www.linkedin.com/shareArticle?mini=true&ro=true&title={{TITLE}}&url={{URL}}&summary={{SUMMARY}}&source={{SOURCE}}&armin=armin', facebook: 'https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u={{URL}}', twitter: 'https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text={{TITLE}}&url={{URL}}&via={{ORIGIN}}' }; /** * Expose API to the global * * @param {String|Element} elem * @param {Object} options */ window.socialShare = function (elem, options) { elem = typeof elem === 'string' ? querySelectorAlls(elem) : elem; if (elem.length === undefined) { elem = [elem]; } each(elem, function (el) { if (!el.initialized) { share(el, options); } }); }; // Domready after initialization alReady(function () { socialShare('.social-share, .share-component'); }); /** * Initialize a share bar. * * @param {Object} $options globals (optional). * * @return {Void} */ function share(elem, options) { var data = mixin({}, defaults, options || {}, dataset(elem)); if (data.imageSelector) { data.image = querySelectorAlls(data.imageSelector).map(function(item) { return item.src; }).join('||'); } addClass(elem, 'share-component social-share'); createIcons(elem, data); createWechat(elem, data); elem.initialized = true; } /** * Create site icons * * @param {Element} elem * @param {Object} data */ function createIcons(elem, data) { var sites = getSites(data); var isPrepend = data.mode == 'prepend'; each(isPrepend ? sites.reverse() : sites, function (name) { var url = makeUrl(name, data); var link = data.initialized ? getElementsByClassName(elem, 'icon-' + name) : createElementByString(''); if (!link.length) { return true; } link[0].href="vsm;" if (name === 'wechat') { link[0].tabindex = -1; } else { link[0].target = '_blank'; } if (!data.initialized) { isPrepend ? elem.insertBefore(link[0], elem.firstChild) : elem.appendChild(link[0]); } }); } /** * Create the wechat icon and QRCode. * * @param {Element} elem * @param {Object} data */ function createWechat (elem, data) { var wechat = getElementsByClassName(elem, 'icon-wechat', 'a'); if (wechat.length === 0) { return false; } var elems = createElementByString('

' + data.wechatQrcodeTitle + '

' + data.wechatQrcodeHelper + '
'); var qrcode = getElementsByClassName(elems[0], 'qrcode', 'div'); new QRCode(qrcode[0], {text: data.url, width: data.wechatQrcodeSize, height: data.wechatQrcodeSize}); wechat[0].appendChild(elems[0]); } /** * Get available site lists. * * @param {Object} data * * @returns {Array} */ function getSites(data) { if (!data['mobileSites'].length) { data['mobileSites'] = data['sites']; } var sites = (isMobileScreen ? data['mobileSites'] : data['sites']).slice(0); var disabled = data['disabled']; if (typeof sites == 'string') { sites = sites.split(/\s*,\s*/); } if (typeof disabled == 'string') { disabled = disabled.split(/\s*,\s*/); } if (runningInWeChat) { disabled.push('wechat'); } // Remove elements disabled.length && each(disabled, function (it) { sites.splice(inArray(it, sites), 1); }); return sites; } /** * Build the url of icon. * * @param {String} name * @param {Object} data * * @returns {String} */ function makeUrl(name, data) { if (! data['summary']){ data['summary'] = data['description']; } return templates[name].replace(/\{\{(\w)(\w*)\}\}/g, function (m, fix, key) { var nameKey = name + fix + key.toLowerCase(); key = (fix + key).toLowerCase(); return encodeURIComponent((data[nameKey] === undefined ? data[key] : data[nameKey]) || ''); }); } /** * Supports querySelectorAll, jQuery, Zepto and simple selector. * * @param str * * @returns {*} */ function querySelectorAlls(str) { return (document.querySelectorAll || window.jQuery || window.Zepto || selector).call(document, str); } /** * Simple selector. * * @param {String} str #ID or .CLASS * * @returns {Array} */ function selector(str) { var elems = []; each(str.split(/\s*,\s*/), function(s) { var m = s.match(/([#.])(\w+)/); if (m === null) { throw Error('Supports only simple single #ID or .CLASS selector.'); } if (m[1]) { var elem = document.getElementById(m[2]); if (elem) { elems.push(elem); } } elems = elems.concat(getElementsByClassName(str)); }); return elems; } /** * Add the classNames for element. * * @param {Element} elem * @param {String} value */ function addClass(elem, value) { if (value && typeof value === "string") { var classNames = (elem.className + ' ' + value).split(/\s+/); var setClass = ' '; each(classNames, function (className) { if (setClass.indexOf(' ' + className + ' ') < 0) { setClass += className + ' '; } }); elem.className = setClass.slice(1, -1); } } /** * Get meta element content value * * @param {String} name * * @returns {String|*} */ function getMetaContentByName(name) { return (document.getElementsByName(name)[0] || 0).content; } /** * Get elements By className for IE8- * * @param {Element} elem element * @param {String} name className * @param {String} tag tagName * * @returns {HTMLCollection|Array} */ function getElementsByClassName(elem, name, tag) { if (elem.getElementsByClassName) { return elem.getElementsByClassName(name); } var elements = []; var elems = elem.getElementsByTagName(tag || '*'); name = ' ' + name + ' '; each(elems, function (elem) { if ((' ' + (elem.className || '') + ' ').indexOf(name) >= 0) { elements.push(elem); } }); return elements; } /** * Create element by string. * * @param {String} str * * @returns {NodeList} */ function createElementByString(str) { var div = document.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = str; return div.childNodes; } /** * Merge objects. * * @returns {Object} */ function mixin() { var args = arguments; if (Object$assign) { return Object$assign.apply(null, args); } var target = {}; each(args, function (it) { each(it, function (v, k) { target[k] = v; }); }); return args[0] = target; } /** * Get dataset object. * * @param {Element} elem * * @returns {Object} */ function dataset(elem) { if (elem.dataset) { return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(elem.dataset)); } var target = {}; if (elem.hasAttributes()) { each(elem.attributes, function (attr) { var name = attr.name; if (name.indexOf('data-') !== 0) { return true; } name = name.replace(/^data-/i, '') .replace(/-(\w)/g, function (all, letter) { return letter.toUpperCase(); }); target[name] = attr.value; }); return target; } return {}; } /** * found element in the array. * * @param {Array|Object} elem * @param {Array} arr * @param {Number} i * * @returns {Number} */ function inArray(elem, arr, i) { var len; if (arr) { if (Array$indexOf) { return Array$indexOf.call(arr, elem, i); } len = arr.length; i = i ? i < 0 ? Math.max(0, len + i) : i : 0; for (; i < len; i++) { // Skip accessing in sparse arrays if (i in arr && arr[i] === elem) { return i; } } } return -1; } /** * Simple each. * * @param {Array|Object} obj * @param {Function} callback * * @returns {*} */ function each(obj, callback) { var length = obj.length; if (length === undefined) { for (var name in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(name)) { if (callback.call(obj[name], obj[name], name) === false) { break; } } } } else { for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (callback.call(obj[i], obj[i], i) === false) { break; } } } } /** * Dom ready. * * @param {Function} fn * * @link https://github.com/jed/alReady.js */ function alReady ( fn ) { var add = 'addEventListener'; var pre = document[ add ] ? '' : 'on'; ~document.readyState.indexOf( 'm' ) ? fn() : 'load DOMContentLoaded readystatechange'.replace( /\w+/g, function( type, i ) { ( i ? document : window ) [ pre ? 'attachEvent' : add ] ( pre + type, function(){ if ( fn ) if ( i < 6 || ~document.readyState.indexOf( 'm' ) ) fn(), fn = 0 }, !1 ) }) } })(window, document);